Thursday, May 3, 2012

Whakatipu Pīni

Kei te whakatipu mātou i ngā pīni.
Ka kite mātou i ngā wāhanga o te tipuranga.
We are growing beans. We will observe the stages of growth.

I tuhi ingoa mātou.

 I whakamākū mātou i te pepa.

I rau atu mātou i te pepa mākū me te pīni ki roto i te ipu.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora whanau koromiko it's Linton here. I like it here in Perth but I miss you's and wish you's were here. I like my new school but there's a boy called Aiden and he is naughty. We went to the big swimming pool last week for swimming lessons. We went on the fast train to the big mall with lots of shops in it. How is everything at Victory Primary school? from Linton
